An interesting article from the BBC about what happens to our brain when we speak multiple languages.
An interesting article from the BBC about what happens to our brain when we speak multiple languages.
“Going above and beyond” is an expression we use to refer to making extra effort or doing more than is required, especially in a way that exceeds expectations. This interesting article from the BBC looks at how “going above and beyond” at work has become normalised almost to the point that it is required:
Imagine your local/provincial/national public servants speaking to you in words and terminologies you actually understand… Way to go NZ!!
Anyone want to take a guess at which language the BBC is talking about ? 😉
An interesting article about a new communication system inspired by an aboriginal language.
🙌 We’ve just wrapped a series of 4 COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS with the Process Engineering Group at Petronor, S.A. Twelve members of the team participated in some very dynamic sessions on: Negotiating an Outcome in English, Managing a Crisis Meeting, Effective Written Communication, and Presenting with Impact. 👏👏
⚡️Fantastic work from everyone who attended, we all had a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see you again soon ⚡️
More on the idea that the language you speak influences the way you think… and behave…
Interesting insight from cognitive scientist Lera Boroditsky into how the language you speak can influence and shape the way you think..
It’s a wrap!
Nine doctoral students from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participated in Publish or Perish this year, learning how to write and publish a scientific paper in English. After nine years, almost 90% of the papers from the course have been published in top tier journals.
⚡️ Fantastic work from everyone who participated, can’t wait to work with you on your papers in the second phase. ⚡️