🙌 We’ve just wrapped a series of 4 COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS with the Process Engineering Group at Petronor, S.A. Twelve members of the team participated in some very dynamic sessions on: Negotiating an Outcome in English, Managing a Crisis Meeting, Effective Written Communication, and Presenting with Impact. 👏👏

⚡️Fantastic work from everyone who attended, we all had a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see you again soon ⚡️


It’s a wrap! 
Nine doctoral students from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participated in Publish or Perish this year, learning how to write and publish a scientific paper in English. After nine years, almost 90% of the papers from the course have been published in top tier journals.
⚡️ Fantastic work from everyone who participated, can’t wait to work with you on your papers in the second phase. ⚡️